Adaptingcomputers tocultures (not the other way around)
On-screen keyboard for syllabic languages
Select Board Size Small Medium Large Select Font AiNunavik AiPaiNuna AiPaiNunavik Nunacom
Selected fonts must be installed on your computer. See our fonts section.
On-the-fly transliterator from roman to syllabics
Select Font AiNunavik AiPaiNuna AiPaiNunavik Nunacom
Batch transcoder for syllabic fonts
Select Source Font AiNunavik AiPaiNunavik Nunacom Qallunaatitut Select Target Font AiNunavik AiPaiNunavik Nunacom Qallunaatitut Raw Hexadecimal
Copyright-free photos for your language projects
You may use our photos for personal or professional projects. You may not bulk-download the bank in part or whole, resell, distribute those photos, or use them for unethical purposes.
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